Mother Earth Essentials Handmade Aromatherapy Soy Candle

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Perfect for creating a calming atmosphere, these candles are handmade with natural scents and 100% soy wax


    The pungent, herbal bouquet of sage brings us out onto the wide-open, windswept summer prairies. A spiritual cleansing plant used in smudging, sage represents youth and the warmth of the southern sun in the North American medicine wheel.


    Sweetgrass is sometimes called the hair of Mother Earth and is considered a sacred gift. After the grass is harvested, it is carefully braided; the three sections representing mind, body, and spirit. By braiding it, we bring those aspects of our being together, care for and strengthen them. When we smudge with sweetgrass, we are taught that the smoke from that burning sweetgrass prepares us for prayer because the scent is pleasing to the Creator. It is the northern direction of the medicine wheel.

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