Indigenous Box Product Bundles

Discover the Perfect Pairing: Our carefully curated product bundles are perfect whether for daily use, special occasions, or as thoughtful gifts.

Costs will show as you add your products. Click on a bundler to select your variants.

*Just so you know: gift boxes are not provided with these bundle collections.

Hat and Mitts

Winter warmth, Indigenous designers

Baby Bundle

For super-snugglers

Travel Pouch

Pack your travel essentials

Our Mission

Indigenous Box’s mission is to promote and elevate the good work being done by Indigenous Entrepreneurs. You can bet that we are going to make as big a noise as we possibly can, as far and wide as we possibly can.

Our company champions Indigenous people’s true legacy: Our ingenuity; our resourcefulness; our industriousness; our intentionality; our purposefulness; our ability; our cooperation; our greatness.

We are guided by values based on the teachings of shared abundance through reciprocity and connectedness. At our core is a commitment to transparency, fairness, humility, continuous learning, and bold action


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